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  • ATSTK525
    STARTER KIT FOR AT90USB / AT90USB Devices series STK500 Expansion Module

    Product Overview

    The ATSTK525 starter kit is dedicated to the AT90USB microcontrollers. It supports JTAGICE mkII and AVRISP mkII via AVR studio. This board is designed to allow an easy evaluation of the product using demonstration software. It includes a number demonstration program with source and hex files. The parts can be directly programmed through the USB port with FLIP in-system programming utility. The STK525 can be plugged into the Atmel STK500 starter kit board in order to use the AT90USBxxx with advanced features such as variable VCC, variable VRef, variable XTAL, etc. and supports all AVR development tools. To increase its demonstrative capabilities, this stand alone board has numerous on board resources (USB, RS232, joystick, data-flash, microphone and temperature sensor).
    • AT90USBxxx TQFP device (2.7V
    • AVR studio software interface and STK500 compatible
    • USB software interface for device firmware upgrade (DFU bootloader)
    • ISP connector for on chip ISP
    • JTAG connector for on chip ISP,and for on chip debugging using JTAG ICE
    • Serial interfaces of 1 USB full/low speed device/host interface
    • On board 4+1ways joystick, 4 LED's, temperature sensor, microphone, serial data flash memory
    • On board RESET button
    • On board HWB button for force bootloader section execution at reset
    • Numerous access points for test


    Consumer Electronics, Embedded Design & Development




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